Ibn Khaldun

Bias is self-limiting Khaldun, in the Muqqadimeh, addresses the negative effect of bias in the development of scientific data: “All records, by their very nature, are liable to error,” he writes.We see this today in all areas of both empirical and social sciences. Khaldun warned against partisanship of “creed or opinion,” and ignorance of laws governing the “transformation of human society.” In the mind of this Muslim thinker, these biases diminish the value of knowledge and the study of both the physical and sociologic spheres. Ibn Khaldun recognizes that personal bias has a negative impact on the interpretation and use of data, however it is gathered. Muslim world who passionately seek out discussion and exchange. Assabiyyah is a disease that weakens the Muslim ummah Assabiyyah with all its kinds and forms has weakened the Muslim communities in the past as well as today; the enlightenment of combating this belief in our history sparked a unified, merciful, and cohesive Muslim ummah transformed from differing, conflicting, and warring entities. For this reason, it is a must for us to know what assabiyyah is and to once again know how we can rid ourselves from it. Assabiyyah comes to us from the word asabah, the relatives of the family patriarch. Originally, the term was used to mean tribalism or clanism, but as tribes evolved into nations, assabiyyah has come to connote blind, unquestioning support for one’s family, tribe or nation. Assabiyyah demands that tribal members support their own, whether a member believes that the tribe’s activities are right or wrong, the oppressed or the oppressor. Regardless, assabiyyah is still a deeply held cultural belief within the many Muslim communities. The association with others within the clan, under the dictates of assabiyyah, is based on family relationships, ethnicity, place of birth, religion and even personal beliefs. Leonardo Da vinci recognized the importance of unbiased research and, just as importantly, the engagement of others in the exchange of ideas. And today, within the Muslim world, we see similar points of view, especially among the youth of the  www.digitaldaya.com

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