Ibn Khaldun

The role of government? To facilitate the process of engagement with other global citizens around the world. The role of Government is to lead! 1. Government encourages engagement with other peoples through social media. Rather than closing off the exchange of information and opinions, social media encourages the exchange of divergent views within the dictates of civil discourse. 5. Governments pronounce social media halal - a medium to combat assabiyyah. 6. Governments encourage the young people of today to interact with other young people around the world. Only in this way can we learn to live together in peace and understanding. 2. Government encourages Muslim communities to both teach and learn, and to abandon the selflimitations imposed on free thinkers by assabiyyah principles. 7. Government creates a declaration of open Government to encourage debate and engagement to tap into the well spring of ideas of its citizenry. 3. Government provides open access to all social media to enable its people to engage the full spectrum of thought, regardless of source. Ibn Khaldun would welcome the opportunity to exchange theories with a colleague half-way around the world, and he would remain confident in his ability to find truth, regardless of its source. 8. Government invests in the requisite digital infrastructure to facilitate Internet access to even the most remote rural areas. 9. Government focuses on e-literacy to ensure no part of its citizenry is excluded from engagement, participation, and contribution. 4. Government provides schools with the tools required for Muslim youth to engage the world. 10. Government encourages and promotes the These tools include computers and unfettered appreciation and insights of past scholars whose linkage to social sites. remarkable contributions remain as relevant as ever.  www.digitaldaya.com

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