
7 www.digitaldaya.com force – one every government leader and all government institutions must recognize. Today, 94 of the 163 states recognized by the United Nations (54%) are considered to be fully democratic,or to put it another way,more than half the world’s population lives under a consolidated democracy as free citizens with a say in the role of their governments. In 1940, the number of autocratic nations far outweighed the number of democratic governments. When compared with today’s data, there is a clear trend toward a more democratic world – a trend that continues to grow as social media expands its sphere of influence. Indeed, governments attempt to control access to social and networking web sites.Facebook is banned in a number of countries, though any technically-savvy citizen can access and post to this social media site. Skype, the popular VoIP telephony service is also banned in many countries, yet the messages of hope and freedom still get through. Despite the efforts of government to isolate their people from the rest of the world, the world wide web has brought us all closer together. The Center for Systemic Peace and Center for Global Policy’s fragility index points us toward a more stable world. Measuring each country’s political, economic, social and security stability, this organization’s fragility index indicates that 36% of all countries have serious to extreme fragility. In other words, approximately two-thirds of the world’s population live under stable or somewhat stable government structures based on the criteria employed by this respected “think tank.” No one can refute that the trends toward democratization and social and economic stability are increasing. The question then becomes rather simple: under this accelerating trend toward stable democracies what should we expect from these governments and the heads of state who lead them? Real Leaders Tweet How Heads of State are Engaging Their Citizens On The World Wide Web

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