
9 www.digitaldaya.com Examples? HH Rania of Jordon uses Twitter. HH Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai also uses Twitter to reach out to the people of the UAE. These government heads of state don’t use Twitter to spread propaganda.In fact,just the opposite is true. Enlightened leaders in stable countries employ Twitter to engage their citizenry. The Prime Minister of Malaysia denounced bombings of Christian churches in his country – an Islamic state by demographic breakdown. In short,this government leader took steps through Twitter to pronounce the government’s belief in freedom of religion. In Chile, the president used Twitter to denounce the political radicalism that was being spread by Venezuela’s autocrat, Hugo Chavez. Interestingly, theseTweets were sent out on election day when Chilean citizens were entering the polls to vote in democratic elections. Australia’s Prime Minister Rudd has repeatedly denounced the wrongs done to the indigenous population of his nation,broadcasting to the people that amends should be made.Any freedom-loving individual will view that as an act of courage on the part of the Prime Minister. Jordon’s Queen Rania acknowledged that several Jordanian first responders were killed in the wake of the tragic earthquake that recently devastated the poorest nation in theAmericas – Haiti.Rather than hiding this disturbing news, Her Majesty broadcast the news via Twitter, secure in the stability of her own country and its governance. HH Sheikh Mohammed the UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai called for national unity when Dubai was under media attack over debt problems. Again, this outreach is an indication that leaders of democracies,or countries with stable governments, will use social media to connect with the people in a way that was never available before. Enlightened leaders in stable countries employTwitter to engage their citizenry. Abu Dhabi,Dubai and other emirates are strong and united in UAE...we’re all one tribe,one family. 4:27AM Nov 9th,2009 HH Sheikh Mohammed, Ruler of Dubai http://www.twitter.com/ HHShkMohd

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